Filtration & Water Pumps
The filtration system is the heart of your pool, allowing you to have pristine water and swimming conditions. A correctly-specified filtration system is critical to trouble-free swimming.
Heat Pumps
The reliable performance and superior energy-efficiency of technology available today makes heating your pool or spa easier and cheaper than ever. Our customers include homeowners, hotels, local councils, distributors, commercial pools and schools. Whatever the application, we offer considered solutions to fit your requirements.
Salt Chlorinators
Saltwater and minerals are by far the most cost-efficient ways to sanitise your swimming pool. For centuries people have been bathing in mineral waters and there is considerable evidence that mineral solutions can have beneficial effects on the human body as well as enhancing the bathing experience. Our increasingly stressful lives make the prospect of a rejuvenating and relaxing mineral experience in our own backyard very enticing.
Pool covers and rollers
Pool covers extend your swimming season, manage temperature, help keep your pool clean, reduce filtration time, save water, energy and pool chemicals. They will lessen your pool’s impact on the environment and on your wallet. Paramount Pools and Spas can supply fit pool covers to both new and existing pools. Our pool covers are purpose-made to suit every individual swimming pool.
Pool liners
A great swimming pool is beautiful, watertight, durable, smooth-to-touch and low- maintenance. Aqualux is all this and more, making it the ultimate pool surface finish for any pool. Specially formulated for the harsh New Zealand climate, Aqualux is also treated to resist bacteria, making it incredibly easy to keep clean. Whether you are replacing an existing in-ground pool liner, or renovating a painted, pebbled, tiled or even fibreglass pool, there are many reasons to line it with a custom made Aqualux Liners supplied by Paramount Pools & Spas.
Automated Cleaners
Dolphin X-Series of robotic pool cleaners offer the most efficient and cost-effective method for achieving a consistently clean pool. Dolphin robots move freely around the pool and remove debris from the water while scrubbing the pool floor, walls and waterline with an advanced pool brushing system.
Pool cleaning equipment
Vacuums, pool hoses, handles and leaf scoops and parts - we've got everything you need to keep your pool beautiful year-round. Not to mention FREE water testing and advice.
Spa Electrics Pool Lighting
Whether you’re replacing an existing pool light or building a pool from scratch, regardless of the structure our range of innovative, market leading Spa Electrics swimming pool lighting solutions will light up your family’s world!
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